Thursday, January 24, 2013

Spinning Right Around

One of our latest spin classes had an 80’s theme and we had the opportunity to dress up.  It was all fun and games until my leg warmers really kicked in and my body temperature went up by another 100 degrees.  Who thought that leg warmers were needed when working out?  Obviously someone who really wasn’t working out.
 Getting my spin on

As I was leaving out the door to go to class, my husband started to generate some static cling and I told him (really loudly) – “Don’t touch me!”  I was afraid a spark could set my hair on fire with all of the hair spray I had used.  Unfortunately, it wasn’t authentic Aqua Net but still…..  As I was heading to class, I prayed the whole way “please don’t let me get in a wreck.  Please don’t let the car break down.”  I didn’t want to have to explain to anyone why I would voluntarily want to live my jr. high/high school fashions again.   And when I was researching for 80’s exercise fashion, I didn’t remember EVER working out in the 80’s.  I was on the pom pon team at AL so I guess that was all the exercise I thought I needed.  I don’t know how to explain what I was doing for exercise the other years that I wasn’t dancing away to “we built this city on rock and roll!” 

My days on the pom pon team

In any event, this one 45 minute class has caused my whole week to go into flashback mode so not only had my legs been spinning, but my mind was too.  I was thinking about who I was in the 80’s and in order to fully visualize my youthful years, I got out the photo books.  One thing was for sure – my hair got bigger and bigger each year.

Here I am at 16... It's my birthday!  

As I looked at my former self, I naturally compared myself to the woman I am today.  While I didn’t have stretch marks and wrinkles back then, I hardly was in the best shape of my life.  Physically, mentally and spiritually I was a lost soul.  I could look back at all of the regrets I have about who I was and how I treated people.  I could also sit here in a pity party and pout as I think about all of the unfair things that happened to me.  But, that would be a lot of wasted time and energy because I can’t go back and change the past.   I can only forge ahead, learn from my mistakes, forgive adversity, and create a better future for myself and those around me.  And, I really am sorry to those that I may have hurt along the way in all of my self-centeredness.

If there’s anything I have learned about those years, it is that words have such impact.  It’s funny how we can forget all of the kind words that have been spoken toward us but we remember that one piercing criticism that cut deep.  For some, it may have even defined who you were.  And, all of the emotions surrounding that one word seem to come flooding back full force.  And, we believe it – again.   The Bible says that the Lord actually declares over us that he knows the plans He has for you which are plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  If such a declaration has been made over us by the very creator of us, then I believe that word trumps any accusation that comes against us that would tell us otherwise.  It’s time to let those lies of the past go and embrace what you were created for – a good destiny.   And, we need to remember that it’s not just words that have been spoken against us, but that we too hold power in our words to either build people up or tear them down.  And that takes love.  Sometimes we can’t always see the good in other people to say something nice to them or about them.  Those are the times your mama instructed you about “if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.”  Trust me, I’m not always walking in love or remembering these words especially when people so some pretty dumb things.  

So, anyways, if I could tell my 1980’s self a thing to two from what I’ve learned over the past 20 years, I’d need to be writing a book and not a blog.

I did come across some notes I had written in my journal in 2005 about things I’ve learned in life back then….Obviously, nothing too deep but good practical advice nonetheless.
  • Never wear a pink belt because from a distance, the belt looks flesh colored and your belt loop looks like a butt crack
  •  Always smile for pictures otherwise someone will have a really bad picture of you
  • Always be thankful and say “thanks”
  • Smile continuously
  • Don’t always talk about yourself 
I told you it wasn’t too deep.  Haha…  But the things I would say today would be:
  • Appreciate the time you have with those you love and make sure they know you love them.  Don’t wait for a tragedy to happen.
  • Take care of yourself – physically, spiritually and emotionally
  • Take risks
  • Love, Love, LOVE
  • Bad days are going to happen – they don’t define you.  If you live as a victim, you will be a magnet for bad things to come your way.  Be victorious instead and then help others get their victory
  • Everyone has a story to tell and they need to be heard.  Everyone has value.
  • Be thankful
  • Be a blessing to others
  • Life doesn’t have to be serious all of the time – have fun, laugh and do something silly and childlike once in a while
  • Be serious when you need to be serious
  • Don’t make excuses
  • Live your dreams
  • Don’t ever stop dreaming!
  • Get your finances in order
  • Love some more – love God, love yourself, love others
  • Don’t compare yourself to others to define your success – be successful by doing what you were created to do and be who you were meant to be
  • You are loved by the creator of the universe!  He is your ever present help in time of need.
  • Don't compromise what you know is right
  • Keep learning and adding to this list all of the days of your life
So throw your pink belts away and say something nice to yourself.  And take my advice – leg warmers are not practical for working out.