Tuesday, February 4, 2014


I think I need a disclaimer if you are going to continue to read this…. I understand that we are all unique with different perspectives about life and this is just my “spin” on a quote that I just can’t quite wrap my head around in its entirety.  This is in no way an invitation for a debate because hands down – you would win.  I just want to provide a different perspective.  My hope is to challenge and inspire without stirring up strife.  Love is the motivating factor here.  With that being said, the last few months of college have basically taught me that the more I learn, the more I realize I know nothing.  I use to be one of those “black and white” thinkers.  It was an either/or mentality.  I only believed in antonyms and synonyms because nowhere in the thesaurus of my mind was a category for “close but no cigar.”  So here comes the gray area…being able to love oneself without idolizing ourselves.  The Bible says” to love others as we love ourselves: but that “love is not self-seeking.”  So, basically what this says to me is that you are not going to be your only source of love.  This means, that God designed us not just to love but to be loved.  Ok….so I presume you’re still with me.  Hang on here because here’s where it gets interesting….

So, I have read, re-read, and yes re-read again this quote that says “Let go of anything that no longer serves you.”  Yes, I did the correct thing by putting quotes around this saying.  Just a quick bunny trail here about the rules of plagiarism…if it’s not your original work, don’t let me think you are brilliant only to burst your bubble later by finding it on Pinterest.  Granted, on Pinterest it’s probably going to be attributed to the wrong author, but at least someone gets an E for effort.  Ok – that was my little soap box about fighting grammar crime and what was a I talking about?  Oh yes…letting go.   I need to let that go, right?  Haha...  Anyways,  I totally understand what this quote is saying.  There are going to be things and people in your life that do need to go.  Period.  These are the abusive and assaulting thoughts against your identity, the irrational fear, the excessive worry, the hate, the unforgiveness, the impatience, the rudeness…the list is longer than you or I have time for.  Let those things go.  And do it NOW!

So, what’s the controversy?  Maybe you can answer this question and break out of the black and white…. When was the last time you grew stronger?  Was it when the sun was shining and you were sipping fruity, umbrella filled drinks on the beach being served?  Or was it the time that you were in the thick of the fight, bruised and beaten because you pushed yourself past the point of comfort and chose to take a challenge head on to win? 

I don’t think we should allow this quote to give permission to miss out on opportunities for not only personal challenge and growth but to give others a chance to be loved. 

I’m a mom.  I’m a wife.  I’m an employee.  Let me tell you – these roles don’t always serve me.  There was the time that my three year old son recently went through an entire week of whining and throwing fits.  He wasn’t serving me.  In fact, let’s be honest that he was making my life pretty miserable.  There was the time that my teenagers….ok I better not even go there!  So, I know what you’re thinking – you HAD to stay.  You can’t let go of your kids.  Fair enough.  Let’s move on.  There’s the time when my husband was so sick for several months that he could not take care of himself let alone me and our three and one year old children.  What if I had just abandoned him at that critical time in my life because he wasn’t serving me?  Look at our life now – it was worth the fight! 

Never give up on love!

Those of you who know me know that I love my job.  But, I didn’t start out where I am today.  I had to work through climbing the ladder of menial tasks and what I saw as insignificant duties.  I had a college education, and I was answering phones and typing stupid documents.  (Yes, stupid because that’s how I felt when I was watching everyone else in the office get to do the cool stuff like helping the poor and needy while I had to do THEIR clerical work.).  But, they needed me.  And, if I had said that my job wasn’t serving me, than I wouldn’t have been a part of getting to help someone else realize their dream.  And, I would have missed out on the vital training process that was needed for me to develop character, skills and experience to be able to serve where I do now with excellence. 

So, sometimes not everything is going to serve you.  You are going to serve others.  It’s going to happen when your son gets up in the middle of the night to throw up all over YOUR sheets.  It’s going to happen when you get a call in the busiest part of your day because someone knows you will stop and care for them.  It’s going to happen when you see that young mom who just needs an encouraging word to keep going when you just got a call from your kids’ school that they are in the office.  It’s going to happen when someone cuts you off on the interstate and you see them later at a red light and you don’t flip them off!  (a little humor here…)  It’s going to happen when someone else gets that promotion and you congratulate them even though you know you could have done better.  It’s going to happen when you are working to fulfill someone else’s dream while you know you were made for something great.  It’s going to happen when your friend fits into a smaller pant size and you haven’t eaten dessert in a week and still can’t button your pants.  It’s going to happen when you see someone in financial need and you’ve been saving for something you had your heart set on.

And, what goes around comes around.  The day that you think you can’t possibly hold on one more second to that person who seems so unloveable may be the time when you get that breakthrough.  Aren’t you glad that no one gave up on you when you were at your weakest?  And, if they did give up on you because you weren’t serving them, then shame on you???  No way!!  It probably hurt didn’t it?  And you were worth holding onto. 

Ok… so just to clarify.  I’m not saying to stay in an abusive relationship or that negative people in your life should “hold a starring role in your movie” (thanks Lonnie Parton for that great analogy! – credit where credit is due!).  Sometimes you need to cut those strings not just because they aren’t serving you but because they are destroying you.  I’m NOT talking about those relationships here. 
I am saying that sometimes we are going to be the one that love and sometimes we are going to be the target of love.  We aren’t going to be served by every relationship out there.  Hopefully, there will be times when you are going to be the person that someday someone will say “well done good and faithful servant!  Here is your reward!” 

Go out and love extravagantly today - there is no lack of opportunities!  
And position yourself to be loved too!  You are worth it!  

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