Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year...Happy New Blog

So I’m joining the company of my friends who are bloggers.  I’m not sure how I’m going to fit blogging into my schedule in between Pinterest and Words with Friends, but I’ll give it a shot.  Actually my life is a bit more complicated than that.  Obviously, the initial readers of this blog will already know my life story – I’m pretty much an open book.  But for those stumbling on this blog in the unending universe of the world wide web, I’ll give you a brief overview of my life mixed with who I am and what I do.  Yes, I’m still trying to pass that age old test of not being defined by what I do and subsequently getting my value from that, but that’s a lesson for another day. 
Sooo…I just ended my thirties and moved right into the big Four O My (40!  ).  Everyone says that 40 is the new 30 but I’m not sure what that means exactly since when I was younger, 30 was old no matter how you looked at it.  So I guess 40 is the new old.  But, I dreaded turning 30 and those just happened to be some of the best years of my life.  And since my life isn’t over and statistically, I’m not even half way to death yet, I’m going to have a lot to blog about!  Anyways, now I’m rambling. 
I am married to my high school sweetheart, Jim.  We met when we were 16 at a church youth group event and we have been in love ever since.  We got married when we were 19.  We had our first child, Brittany, when we were 21 and then along came our son, Zach, when we were 23.  End of story?….not even close.  Fifteen years later and along came our latest blessing, Micah.  To summarize, I am a wife and best friend to Jim, mother of an adult entering the new world of college, mother of a 16 year old, and mother of a 21 month old!  Whew!  Add to that, we have a large extended family, I work as an administrator at our church, serve as the Finance Director and Board Member at my son’s school,  work out, and the best part….I get to spend time in prayer and worship with Jesus.  He’s the reason that I even have life so He’s a big part of my life.  And, he’s put me on a mission to LOVE and because of that, I am finding that I am tested to love and often fail miserably.  But, I’m learning every day because He first loved me!
This is the simpler version of my life.  Believe it or not, there was a time when I was busier!  But, when Micah came along the Lord asked me to simplify my life.  This was no easy task.  I did my best to obey (albeit kicking and screaming) but I did let some things go and I have no regrets. 

So, to get to the point of this whole “blog” thing…  I didn’t intent to blog.  But, about a year ago I started exercising and added running to the mix of things.  When I was running, I had an idea for a book that swirled in my head and I would write those ideas down as soon as I got home.  Well, I haven’t actually finished that book and then it dawned on me while I was working out this morning that I need to take baby steps.  Just like anything else that doesn’t happen overnight… having a baby, getting out of debt, establishing relationships, getting fit….it’s a process.  If I could start blogging, it would give me the inspiration (and practice) that I need to get the book in motion.  So, here it goes!  I’m definitely not short of material.  I have a lot to say about parenting, being a wife, working, fitness, and lots (I mean LOTS) of life lessons to pass along.  Not only that, but there’s always been something inside of me that has said I was destined for something great.  I was reading a book last night and I thought to myself, I should be writing a book!  I know there’s something in my life that is yet to be accomplished…not that I’m not thankful for all of the blessings in my life.  But, there’s something to be said about fulfilling ALL of God’s purpose for your life.  So, there’s a saying that “a year from now, you’d wish you would have started.”  I packed my bags and I’m on the road to fulfilling destiny.  I’m not exactly sure where I’m headed, but I’m gonna have a fun journey along the way.  And lucky you!!  You get to come along…..My favorite scripture is Psalms 139 especially verse 16” Your eyes saw my unformed substance, and in Your book all the days [of my life] were written before ever they took shape, when as yet there was none of them.”   God has a book written about your life.  Every day is another page of God’s love story written for each of us!
 Are you ready to get rid of your fear and live the dream God intended for you?  I am…..

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